
Personal Almanac FAQ

These are a few of my Favorite things

What are examples of favorite things that I can list here?

A good way to start journaling in MLMW is to list all the things that motivate you, inspire you and bring joy and feelings of abundance. Examples could be a person, a book, an experience, a memory, a place, or even a quote. Anything that evoked a positive feeling.

What are examples of favorite things that I can list here?

Dream List

How is the dream list different from my favorite things? Is this the same as a bucket list?

Your dream list is boundless. You can dare to dream beyond your perceived abilities, a list of your personal goals, aspirations, and desires that are limitless. All the things you would unabashedly ASK your genie. Example owning a vacation home in Spain. A bucket list is a checklist of all the things you wish to experience in life and can be the finite part of your dream list.

How is the dream list different from my favorite things? Is this the same as a bucket list?

What should be my ASK while creating the Dream List?

The genie cannot make someone fall in love with you or make you rich. In the same manner the dream list has to be specific and definite about YOUR asks. It could be things you want to acquire like how much wealth you want to accumulate (actual amount), growth you want to see in your business or career, how many assets you want to acquire (house, car, jewellery...), personal fitness like weight loss goals or meditation (number of minutes per day), or social goals like volunteering (3 times a week), donating (10% of my earnings per year)… These are some examples of your dream list that ensures that your entire year is set into motion the way you want to see it.

Always attach a positive note to your ask. Example instead of losing 10 kg, say I want to be 60kg in 6 months.

What should be my ASK while creating the Dream List?


What is IKIGAI? How do I find out what my IKIGAI is?

IKIGAI is a way to find the purpose of your life. The reason to wake up every morning. It is the sweet spot where What you love doing (passion), What the world needs from you (value), What you can be paid for (skills), and What you are good at (gifts) synergises. List out all the four areas of the circle that can help you identify the purpose or mission of your life. After filling all the four areas, check if there are some common things that connect the items in all the four circles. This would be your IKIGAI.

What is IKIGAI? How do I find out what my IKIGAI is?

I Reflect I Envision

How is I Reflect I Envision different from the Vision Board?

This section is repeated 5 times in the book for a reason. The idea is similar to Kaizen, a Japanese concept of continuous improvement. It is a quarterly review of your current state of mind (both positive and negative) and also create a challenge for yourself for the next three months and how you want to see yourself, feel about yourself and experience things in three months. All written in present tense with a positive emotion attached to it, e.g. To train my mind to be stronger than my emotions.

In I REFLECT you actually draw your perception of yourself (Actually draw yourself) at that moment. Do you feel happy, sad, unfit, healthy? How you look today.

In I ENVISION you write it in present tense as if three months later it has already happened. Draw how you want to see yourself. Do you look more fit, smarter, well dressed and with a smile? Remember you always write I ENVISION with a positive emotion only. After all you do want success, happiness, joy and abundance in your life. Then in the next quarter you repeat the exercise to keep on course and you will see how your own personal image will positively manifest itself.

The vision board is more long term (a year, 3 years, 5 years or even 10 years), pictorial representation of all things you want. You will use stickers, doodles, photos to create a vision board.

How is I Reflect I Envision different from the Vision Board?

Vision Board

How many years ahead do you create a vision board?

A vision board is a pictorial representation of all your goals over 1, 3, 5 or even 10 years. You pick 4-6 themes. Divide the chart paper or board into those themes like: Family, Career, Health and Personal Development, Hobbies and Fun, Finance etc and post pictures, motivational quotes, notes of you manifesting those. For example if your goal is to have $1 million dollars in the bank, post a check of $1 million on your vision board.

How many years ahead do you create a vision board?

Abundance Check

Why do I need an abundance check? How much should I write the check for?

The value of money cannot be undermined. While it is not everything, money helps us achieve our life's goals and supports all the things we care about most deeply like family, education, health care, charity, adventure and fun. It helps us get some of life's intangibles like freedom or independence, the opportunity to make the most of our skills and talents, the ability to choose our own course in life, financial security. With money, much good can be done and much unnecessary suffering avoided or eliminated.

The Universe provides what you feel you deserve. No amount is big or small. Write the amount you feel and believe you deserve and see it manifest.

Why do I need an abundance check? How much should I write the check for?



12 themes or areas have been created for you to choose to address each month. Choose what theme you would like to work on so that you mindfully and actively set those in motion. You can choose more than one theme each month and review it.



This section allows you to organise, schedule, plan your weekly appointments, dates, calendar events, doctor appointments or any other appointments or events you may want to schedule. You could even plan out what you want to accomplish that week so you remain focused in your quest to achieve your goals. No dates have been assigned as you may pick up the book and start using it anytime of the year. Choice is yours.



This section has 4 main areas to work on and could be in sync with your habit trackers: Books you want to read that month, Shows a friend may have told you about that may interest you, Podcasts and inspiring or work related videos like TED talks that you want to listen to, Movies that you always wanted to catch up on. This is an area that allows you the space for leisurely activities which are so important to find that happy balance and personal growth in your hectic life.



While I Reflect and I Envision and the Vision Board allows you to create short term and long term overall goals and vision for yourself, the intentions/goals sections for each month allows you to stay more focused on your work or personal growth goals for that week. They could be related to your personal, financial or spiritual growth objectives.



It is vital that we focus on failures. Failures teach you how to succeed. Looking back at things that moved away from your intentions in the form of failed targets, failed personal behaviour like impatience; unforeseen circumstances that prevented you from succeeding in your goals; mistakes or errors committed, shortfalls experienced all these need to be acknowledged, embraced and learned from.



Success is a great motivator, every success big or small must be acknowledged and you must express gratitude towards those achievements and motivate yourself to keep going.



Affirmations are positive acknowledgement of all that happened in the day. Even if one experiences a negative experience, writing what you learned from it, how well you handled yourself, what were the challenges that you overcame those are excellent sources of success manifestation. You not only acknowledge your learnings, you also keep inspiring yourself to achieve more. It goes beyond scheduling and calendaring but actually building on your success and experiences.



“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.”― Ralph Waldo Emerson.

No success is complete without being grateful for it. The gratitude jar creates positive ripples in your life and continues to help you focus on what really matters and what your focus should be on. In our disappointments we forget to acknowledge all the good things in our lives. Gratitude can be listed here and also in the Affirmation section of the week.



This section gives you the freedom of expression. Imagine looking back at a particular month, reminiscing and remembering all what happened and what your mental state was during that time. A great book you read or a podcast that inspired you or a disappointment you overcame or a success story that you are basking in. All these emotions matter and sum up how you really feel and create a positive minset so important for success. This is a great way to reduce stress and get a clear perspective on things that can be challenging.



Most people make resolutions that they eventually break. Mel Robbins’s 5 Second Rule states that “If you have an instinct to act on a goal, you must physically move within 5 seconds or your brain will kill it.” While you can use the 5-4-3-2-1- rule to motivate yourself to act on your goals, the habit tracker sections helps you track them and help you stay on course. Create your own habits you want to track - like fitness goals, drink more water, ready more books, work on something daily is recorded for you to see. The more ticks you fill in the habit tracker box, the more sense of achievement you feel. If you don't tick the box, don't see it as a disappointment but an opportunity to correct it the following month. Keep pushing yourself, look into your own inward personal wisdom to know what is right for you and just do it.


My Health is Important

What should I include in this?

This section has picked the most common medical ailments that may need monitoring. Whether it is your sugar levels or cholesterol, it is important to maintain good health by doing regular check-ups. This section reminds you of those health related checks and balances and allows you to monitor those.

What should I include in this?

Blank Pages

Why do I need blank pages?

For notes, learnings, contacts, network or for any more journaling you want to record for yourself. Remember this book becomes your personal memoir that keeps records of all that happened over a year. You may use it to recap, reflect and then work on making those little changes in your life that help you achieve all your dreams. Places you visited, people you connected with, memories you created; the highs and lows of the year; the successes and failures and learning - all these could be part of your personal memoir.

Why do I need blank pages?

Our Story

How do I contact with the creators of this book?N

Our contact information is listed below (email or phone). You can also be be a part of the vibrant and active private Facebook group My Life My Way.

How do I contact with the creators of this book?